The basics of a good website structure

This hierarchical website structure type is also sometimes referred to as a tree model because all subfolders and their pages act as branches. It’s the best way to organize the vast majority of websites. A clear and logical structure is the first thing that needs to be turned over in mind before the work on the website gears up. Correct website structure positively influences search engine ranking and users’ perception of your website. Your website should follow the format, design, and displays designed to operate on every page you create. Keeping a consistent pattern will keep the users on your site as they learn the navigation path in your website much easier.

Even though they serve page-based rankings, they do look at where a given page stands in the website’s structure. This is the most popular type of structure that can be applied to a website of any specification. It follows a hierarchy of categories, moving from general pages to more specific ones. The structure of your site directly influences SEO and showcases what your website offers in order of importance. Search engines and their crawlers offer answers to those looking for them and rank results higher in searches because the engines know what’s most relevant to the searchers’ requests. As with most things, the choice for the best website structure comes down to what your needs are.

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McCall Robison also advises against removing “anything from your main navigation if you don’t have to. “You can also use tools like Yoast SEO on WordPress to make sure all your pages are SEO friendly,” Reeves adds. We’ve included a heading as a signpost to aid screen reader users in finding it. In this case, the editor’s note is supposed to merely provide extra direction for the director of the play; it is not supposed to have extra semantic meaning. For sighted users, CSS would perhaps be used to distance the note slightly from the main text.

what is website structure

Think of the sign-up process for a web application, a one-page website, check-out process, or online course. Footer navigation – The footer is an underutilized element on many sites that offers a lot of possibilities to provide additional assistance to your visitors. Provides additional information in search results – If Google understands your site well, it might show SERP features like site links together with your main search result.

Use Contextual Links

Website Architecture is the first thing that should come to your mind if you’re a website designer. It creates a basis for your website design with a concrete foundation. It helps you create easy-to-navigate, creative, and appealing websites systematically. No one likes a hard-to-navigate website where they will lose time trying to find the information they have been looking for. Suppose you can’t provide the necessary information quickly. In that case, the visitor will leave your website for a faster website; where users find the information they want quickly with greater website architecture.

what is website structure

Using this type of navigation also gives you the freedom to include other information at the top of the page, like social links or contact information. But you don’t want to overwhelm users with too many options right from the start. This way, whether someone wants to buy a car, get finance information, or schedule service, they can find what they need right from the main navigation. Content pillars are your main, broader categories of content. And clusters are your subcategories that support the pillars.

Our conclusion on the different types of website architecture

“Don’t forget to create an internal linking strategy because your own website pages contain a significant amount of power to influence SEO rank between them,” Webbuzz‘s Ben Carew says. Creating website structures from scratch was a headache of the past. These days, tools and platforms are available to provide you with ready-to-use website templates. This means you only have to select the website structure that suits you the most and start adding your content to the pages. The structure is already built and served to you in the form of ready-made templates. UX designers are always looking for the most ideal website structure.

The cool thing is that, once you have figured it out, your site structure is relatively set-it-and-forget it. As long as you adhere to it and regularly review if your structure still reflects the emphasis of your site as a whole, you usually don’t have to do too much about it. There are several ways of showing breadcrumbs on your WordPress site, including plugins and themes. Here, you can choose to include the category in the slug, the publishing date, or even the author’s name. You can also set up your own structure, if you want, with the help of the tags at the bottom.

Conduct Keyword Research

The database model gives a dynamic approach to web design and website structure. It uses the bottom-up approach to website building, whereby you consider a page’s metadata and adhere to solid information architecture. is a good example of a website built on this model.

what is website structure

If you need help structuring a website that will engage an audience and rank on Google, we’ve got you covered. We’ll teach you what website architecture is, why it’s important for UX and SEO, and how you can develop a sound architecture for your own website. You can submit your XML sitemap directly to Google through Google Search Console. We recommend doing this to quickly inform Google of your website architecture in just a few clicks. We can see links from the homepage to the individual product page. It’s easy to keep a consistent URL structure when you use your content pillars and clusters for reference.

How do you develop a good site structure?

You can type in any information you want to provide to the audience about your business. You can also upload images and how to plan a website structure add videos to make your content more appealing. You don’t have to write any code to build your website in this manner.

  • If you’ve earned backlinks from reputable websites, you want to make the most of the authority and link equitythose endorsements lend.
  • If a site has a deep structure, it means that users often need to click through multiple links to reach the page they want.
  • Conventional wisdom dictates that most pages on your site should be accessible within three to five clicks from your homepage.
  • Users will have an easier time navigating your website if you do this well.
  • With everything in front of you, identify what model might work best based on how many pages you’ll need.

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